Construction work package app
Improve site productivity & streamline work with comprehensive job packs instantly deployed to your team in the field.
Trusted by over 250,000 people from built-world companies of all sizes
~25,000 employees
~10,000 employees
~100,000 employees
~25,000 employees
~20 employees
~50 employees
~150 employees
~40 employees
~20 employees
~300 employees
~10 employees
~35,000 employees
~1,000 employees
~5,000 employees
~5,000 employees
~30,000 employees
The quick, easy and powerful work pack app
Digital work packs
Offline mode
Location tagging
One-click send
Required fields
Kanban workflows
Tables & dropdowns
Photo and video
Conditional logic
Contactless sign
PDF & photo markup
Photo stamping
Automated formulas
Draft and autosave
iOS and Android
Create your construction work package template
Provide detailed work instructions and attach all relevant specifications, drawings, material lists etc to ensure all the information needed to complete the works is ready and available.
Create your own work pack template or use and customise the free construction work package template with the drag and drop form builder.
Complete, update and share your work pack on mobile or tablet
Easily compile detailed and comprehensive job packs and instantly deploy to your superintendents, foremen, supervisors and workcrews for use in the field on the jobsite.
Job pack updates are instantly available on mobile phone and tablet saving you time and effort and saving on paper.
Take and attach photos directly to construction work packs
Provide detailed work instructions and attach all relevant specifications, drawings, material lists etc to ensure all the information needed to complete the works is ready and available.
Take photos from the construction work package app and automatically add timestamps, geotagging, smart tags and markup.
Attach reference PDFs directly to construction work packs
Easily capture changes and markups in the field with easy to use PDF markup to record and communicate changes for backdrafting without delay.
Provide easy reference and access to commonly used project processes like material withdrawals and tool requests from within your job packs.
Create automated workflows for your construction work package process
Ensure your created job packs are instantly deployed to your superintendents, foremen, supervisors and workcrews once they are created with workflows.
Workflows send automated notifications to the team once a work package has been created and needs to be actioned.
Track progress automatically and get new insights about performance
Keep track of construction work package performance in the Analytics Dashboard.
Use breakdowns and filters to monitor upcoming, in progress and completed work to uncover actionable insights to improve work pack performance.
Completely eliminate double-handling of your construction work packages
Quickly and easily switch between Timeline and Register views to get the information you need in one click
Timeline view
See a timeline view of work packs grouped by the date they were created.
Register view
A spreadsheet view of construction work packages with extra information and the ability to sort by columns.
More than just a construction work package app
Are you using multiple apps, spreadsheets or documents to handle your contract and commercial processes?
Dashpivot is a flexible tool which can be used for many use cases such as site diaries, contract variations, work orders and more.
Use Dashpivot just as a construction work package app, or streamline your entire contract workflow.