Progress claims app
Streamline your progress claims workflow to minimise contract disputes and ensure timely payment.
Trusted by over 250,000 people from built-world companies of all sizes
~25,000 employees
~10,000 employees
~100,000 employees
~25,000 employees
~20 employees
~50 employees
~150 employees
~40 employees
~20 employees
~300 employees
~10 employees
~35,000 employees
~1,000 employees
~5,000 employees
~5,000 employees
~30,000 employees
The quick, easy and powerful progress claims app
Digital forms
Offline mode
Location tagging
One-click send
Required fields
Kanban workflows
Tables & dropdowns
Photo and video
Conditional logic
Contactless sign
PDF & photo markup
Photo stamping
Automated formulas
Draft and autosave
iOS and Android
Create your digital progress claims form
Capture and review all relevant claim information including base contract or change order / variation references, applicable milestones and value of work done.
Create your standardised progress claim with the drag and drop form builder or use the free progress claim template and customise to your existing processes.
Quickly and easily share progress claims
With Dashpivot it's easy to share progress claims from the app on mobile or tablet straight from the jobsite.
All exports are professionally formatted as PDF or CSV with brand colours and your logo.
Record and access progress claims in the app on mobile or tablet
Submit progress claims from on site with the Dashpivot app, adding photos and documentation directly to the form as needed.
Access submitted claims to review information or see the status of the claim.
Attach photos and videos directly to progress claims
Ensure your progress claims are well documented with supporting progress photos and videos for quick approval.
Take photos in the app, add geotagging, timestamps and markup to clearly show what progress has been made.
Build automated workflows for progress claims
Create automated workflows once a progress claim is submitted to ensure every claim is reviewed and completed.
Notifications get automatically sent to approvers who must review and give signoff approval before it can be approved and processed.
Track progress automatically and get new insights about performance
Get actionable insights about all progress claims submitted in the Analytics Dashboard.
Track project progress with detailed analytics showing cumulative value of work done and payments made, broken down by items such as contractor, WBS, cost code or activity code.
Completely eliminate double-handling of progress claims
Quickly and easily switch between Timeline and Register views to see details about progress claims
Timeline view
See a chronological list of progress claims made with tags such as project, team or location to help identify claims at a glance.
Register view
View a summary of progress claims made to quickly find important information without having to go into individual claims.
More than just a progress claims app
Are you constantly shifting between spreadsheets, tools and apps to manage progress reports and contract processes?
Dashpivot can be used to manage multiple integrated processes such as change orders, contract variations, back charges and more.
Use Dashpivot to just handle progress claims, or streamline your entire contract workflow.