Environmental permits app
Streamline your environmental permit process to ensure work is completed on schedule.
Trusted by over 250,000 people from built-world companies of all sizes
~25,000 employees
~10,000 employees
~100,000 employees
~25,000 employees
~20 employees
~50 employees
~150 employees
~40 employees
~20 employees
~300 employees
~10 employees
~35,000 employees
~1,000 employees
~5,000 employees
~5,000 employees
~30,000 employees
The quick, easy and powerful environmental permits app
Digital permits
Offline mode
Location tagging
One-click send
Required fields
Kanban workflows
Tables & dropdowns
Photo and video
Conditional logic
Contactless sign
PDF & photo markup
Photo stamping
Automated formulas
Draft and autosave
iOS and Android
Convert, create or choose your electronic environmental permit
Create standardised environmental permits so all the necessary information is captured for quick and easy approval.
Convert your existing form, customise the free environmental permit template or build from scratch with the drag and drop form builder.
Record and access environmental permits from mobile or tablet
Make it easy to plan and lodge permit applications in advance to ensure your works are completed on schedule and the overall program is managed with cohesion.
Access and complete your environmental permits from anywhere via mobile or tablet in the app, with all of your permits being safely documented and stored in the cloud.
Take and attach photos to your reports with geotagging and timestamps
Ensure your environmental permit request is well documented with supporting photos and videos.
Automatically add timestamps, geotagging for exact location, description, markup and smart tags to provide all necessary information and make for easy organisation.
Automated workflows for submitted environmental permits
Perform your required work activities with peace of mind that work crews have the correct authorisation to proceed and that controls are in place to prevent unnecessary environmental impacts.
Once a permit has been submitted a notification is sent to an approver who must give sign off before it is marked as active.
Share permit requests from the app in a single click
With Dashpivot, it's easy to record and share your completed environmental permit request from the app on mobile or tablet.
Send as a professionally formatted PDF or CSV with your company logo and brand colours.
Track progress automatically and get new insights about permit requests
Get real-time analytics on the performance of your environmental permit processes in the Analytics Dashboard.
Filter by location, project, team or more to understand how your teams are performing.
Completely eliminate double-handling of your permit requests
Gain centralised visibility and control over all environmental permits on your project or operation, to ensure you continue to meet your environmental obligations and are instantly ready for your next audit.
Toggle between formats in one-click to automatically convert your permit requests between timeline and register formats
Timeline view
Your permit requests are automatically organised in chronological order for easy traceability.
Register view
The perfect view for summarising and viewing all permit requests so you can quickly filter and find specific records.
More than 'just' an environmental permits app - if you want it to be
Don't want too many different apps, tools and systems to login into, use and maintain?
Dashpivot is a flexible app which works for environmental use cases like impact assessments, auditing and waste tracking, and for other site activities and processes including daily reporting, safety inspections, quality inspections and more.
Use Dashpivot to take care of just your environmental permits or consolidate your processes into a single easy to use app.