Free Contractor Performance Evaluation Template: Easily customisable

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Contractor performance evaluation template

~10,000 employees

~500 employees

~25,000 employees

~20 employees

~50 employees

~1,500 employees

~20 employees

See how this digital contractor performance evaluation template works for yourself

Use this smart contractor performance evaluation template for free.

This contractor performance evaluation template is powered by Dashpivot project management software.

  • Edit or add evaluation fields with simple drag-and-drop functionality.
  • Format your completed performance evaluations into list view or register view at the click of a button.
  • Download, print or send your performance evaluations in custom branded excel or PDF format.

Dashpivot is user friendly software trusted by built world companies of every size all over the world.

Standardise your contractor performance evaluation template for better evaluations and to reduce double handling

Create a standardised contractor performance evaluation template

Standardising your contractor performance evaluation template makes it easier to quickly run through evaluations and ensure you aren't missing any critical information you'll have to go back and run through.

The digital contractor performance evaluation template is pre-built with all the fields and rating systems necessary to effectively score and share a contractors performance fairly.

Keep track of recently submitted evaluations in Timeline View

See a chronological list of contractor performance evaluations grouped by date.

Use identifying tags such as team or project to quickly find the evaluation you need.

Convert all of your evaluation data into a register view in a single click


Save yourself time converting all of your contractor performance evaluation data into a spreadsheet.

Toggle between Timeline and Register Views in a single click to get a spreadsheet-like view of your evaluations that you can use to sort, filter or search by fields from your reports.

Automate your contractor performance evaluation processes

It can be hard to keep track of your contractor performance evaluations and what needs to be done.

Create step by steps stages that give notifications to the relevant people when evaluations move to the next stage.

Standardise your contractor performance evaluation template for better evaluations and to reduce double handling

Other popular templates you can use and customise for free

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Manage those inevitable construction variations more reliably for all parties involved in variations.

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Manage your contractor performance more effectively

Use a dedicated solution to manage your contractor performance to save time and reduce errors.

Lists help to keep track of upcoming and overdue contractor performance reviews so nothing is missed.

Automated workflows make it easy to draft, record and sign off on contractor performance evaluations with automatic notifications when something needs to be actioned.

Sitemate builds best-in-class software tools for built world companies.