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Quality Control Plan for Construction

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Quality control plan for construction

~10,000 employees

~500 employees

~10 employees

~25,000 employees

~200 employees

~1,500 employees

~1,500 employees

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Use this quality control plan for construction template for free.

This quality control plan for construction was generated with Dashpivot

Quality control plans for construction work best when they are specifically tailored to the project and are accessible by all stakeholders. By using a digital system like Dashpivot, you can enhance how quality control pans are completed, managed, and shared between the contractor, the client, and project staff:

  • Access, edit and complete quality control plan for construction from any device: mobile, tablet or computer.
  • Detail the purpose of the plan, the project staff responsible for quality control, and all quality control requirements, processes, and procedures.
  • Sign-off on the quality control plan for construction with e-signatures.
  • Invite external project stakeholders to review and sign-off on the plan remotely.
  • Add photos and other attachments to the quality control plan for construction.
  • Easily customise the quality control plan construction template by using the drag-and-drop form builder.

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Ensure targeted quality management with quality control plans for construction

Sitemate builds best-in-class software tools for built world companies.