Accurate planned vs actuals, in real-time
Track and accurately forecast your planned vs actual productions with a single piece of software.

Trusted by production teams across the industries

Manual data entry, jumping across spreadsheets and building complex formulas and graphs is not the best way to track production. Here's how you will do it with Dashpivot.
Set your production baselines which you will measure against, just like you would in excel.
Use the lists section of Dashpivot to create a list of your production baselines. Set the quantities and rates for any specific project job, team or input.

Swap paper-based and non-integrated word and excel docs for easy digital forms
The key to tracking production in real-time is to change the source of your documents.
Dashpivot's digital documents are easier for the guys on site to complete on mobile or tablet, and when they fill them in, the data and information captured on site is automatically pulled into the platform for you so there's no more chasing missing forms or inputting form data into spreadsheets.
Create custom dashboards and automated charts which show you how you are tracking in real-time
Dashpivot automatically aggregates and organises all of the data captured on the digital forms, so that you can get previously impossible and actual real-time insights.
See your data presented in bar charts, line charts and s-curves. It's got all of the functionality of excel pivot tables, but you don't have to do any of the manual data entry.

Get a free demo to see how other companies are tracking their planned vs actuals more accurately.
Cross reference your findings with photos and videos captured on site
All of the project and team photos are organised with smart tags and can be filtered by date, person and comments - so that proof is always easy to find.

Never duplicate work from forms or sit down filling in spreadsheet cells again. Convert all form entries into register view by simply toggling between views.
Timeline view
See site diary and other form entries in chronological order for easy traceability.
Register view
The perfect view for summarising and viewing and filtering all of your form details. Just like excel, but better.