Construction Site Safety Orientation App
Ensure new workers are properly onboarded on safety procedures, rules, and key aspects of the site with this construction site safety orientation app.
Trusted by over 250,000 people from built-world companies of all sizes
~10,000 employees
~500 employees
~10 employees
~25,000 employees
~200 employees
~1,500 employees
~20 employees
~35,000 employees
~600 employees
~6,000 employees
~30,000 employees
~400 employees
~40 employees
~5,000 employees
~1,000 employees
~1,200 employees
Create a digital construction site safety orientation
Streamline your induction process across all your projects with a standardised construction site safety orientation.
Use the free, pre-built construction site safety orientation and customise to your site with the drag and drop form builder.
Access construction site safety orientation from mobile or tablet on site
Make it easy for your team to run through construction site safety orientations on site by sharing your customised form you can pull up on mobile or tablet.
Once completed the form is automatically synced back to the office for easy recordkeeping.
Use photos to show safety information about your site
Attach photos and videos detailing site safety protocols such as project muster point, temporary toilets and handwashing stations and more.
All photos have automatic timestamps, geotagging for location and can have markup to highlight important information.
Digitally sign off on site safety orientations
Ensure proper compliance by getting signoff from your new employees and the orientation supervisor.
Signoff with fully digital eSignatures via mobile or tablet, or use contactless signoff with your digital ID.
Share construction site safety documents
Use the construction site safety orientation app to share completed orientations in a single click as perfectly formatted PDF or CSV.
All exports have your brand colours and company logo so everything stays professional.
Track site safety orientation data and progress
Automatically aggregate your data from your construction site safety orientations in the Analytics Dashboard.
Breakdown or filter by team, project or location to see team performance.
Eliminate double-handling of your safety orientations
Toggle between Timeline and Register Views to find the construction site safety orientation you need
Timeline view
See a chronological list of site safety orientations grouped by date with an identifying tag.
Register view
Use a spreadsheet-like table to see construction site safety orientation data to filter, search or sort by fields.
More than just a construction site safety orientation app
Construction site safety orientation is an integral part of ensuring new employees understand what they need to reduce incidents, but site safety needs a lot of documentation and processes.
Inspections, toolbox talks, incidents and hazard reports and more, all have pre-built templates in Dashpivot ready for you to use right away.
Use Dashpivot as just a construction site safety orientation app or integrate all of your safety processes in one easy-to-use solution.