Clerk of Works report app
Streamline the process of preparing clerk of work reports, saving you time and resources while ensuring bulletproof compliance.
Trusted by over 250,000 people from built-world companies of all sizes
~25,000 employees
~10,000 employees
~100,000 employees
~25,000 employees
~20 employees
~50 employees
~150 employees
~40 employees
~20 employees
~300 employees
~10 employees
~35,000 employees
~1,000 employees
~5,000 employees
~5,000 employees
~30,000 employees
The quick, easy and powerful clerk of works report app
Digital reports
Offline mode
Location tagging
One-click send
Required fields
Kanban workflows
Tables & dropdowns
Photo and video
Conditional logic
Contactless sign
PDF & photo markup
Photo stamping
Automated formulas
Draft and autosave
iOS and Android
Create your digital clerk of works report
In order to prepare an accurate and comprehensive report, the clerk of works must collect and analyse a significant amount of data.
Companies may face challenges in collecting complete and accurate data, which can lead to errors and omissions in the final report.
Use or customise the digital clerk of works report, or create your own from scratch with the drag and drop form builder, so you get all the information you need.
Fill out Clerk of Works Reports on site on mobile or tablet
Reduce errors and omissions in the final clerk of works report, ensuring that it is accurate and complete, by completing the report on site via your mobile or tablet.
Share your digital clerk of works report with all the standardised fields so you don't miss anything and all the information is on hand.
Attach photos and videos directly to your clerk of works reports
Easily capture photographic evidence and data directly from the building site and immediately populate into a professional clerk of works report.
Take photos on site via your mobile or tablet with automatic timestamps, geotagging, photo markup and smart tags.
Create automated workflows for clerk of work report processes
Improve communication with all stakeholders through digital workflows and automated notifications ensuring all parties are on the same page.
Clerk of work reports can't be marked as completed until they've received signoff approval.
Share completed clerk of works reports quickly and easily
Ensure everyone who needs access to your clerk of works reports has access when they need it.
Share to your team or external 3rd parties as professionally formatted CSV or PDF with brand colours and company logo.
Trackย clerk of works performance and get new insights about project progress
Get actionable insights on project progress in the Analytics Dashboard to see if your projects are on track.
Use filters and breakdowns to see how different teams, projects and locations are doing, and pull out details from the clerk of work reports to drill down into specific details such as contract variation costs.
Completely eliminate double-handling of your clerk of work reports
Save time and improve productivity by avoiding double handling of your clerk of work reports.
Timeline view
Your clerk of works reports are ordered and grouped by date with tags to help reference the project, location or team.
Register view
See more details about clerk of works reports and filter or sort by different fields from the report.
More than 'just' a clerk of works report app
Keeping track of your work can be difficult if you're using multiple tools, spreadsheets and attachments.
Utilise a digital quality management app to manage punch lists, inspections, audits, completion certificates and more.
Use Dashpivot just as a clerk of works reports app, or integrate your entire quality management workflow.