Fatigue management app

Build streamlined fatigue management processes to avoid incidents and improve productivity with this fatigue management app.

Trusted by over 250,000 people from built-world companies of all sizes

~25,000 employees

~10,000 employees

~100,000 employees

~25,000 employees

~20 employees

~50 employees

~150 employees

~40 employees

~20 employees

~300 employees

~10 employees

~35,000 employees

~1,000 employees

~5,000 employees

~5,000 employees

~30,000 employees

Create simple fatigue management processes

Avoid fatigue related incidents and improve your overall productivity with effective fatigue management assessments.

Build customised fatigue management processes with the structure you need to capture to accurately assess your employee's well-being - questions, risk rating, location and more.

Make it easy to record fatigue assessments via an app

Be proactive and empower your crew to report fatigue from wherever they are by giving them the controls of a dedicated fatigue management app.

Distribute critical fatigue processes and updates for acknowledgement from the office, or have QR code posters that can be scanned to trigger fatigue management thinking, awareness and acknolwedgement.

Build app based workflows around fatigue assessment submissions

Ensure that the early signs of worker fatigue aren't overlooked by having automated workflows with notifications and digital signoffs.

People sitting in the office can receive real-time updates on shift handovers and other fatigue related inputs via the app, so that they can understand what's happening, and have an organised workflow and record history of how fatigue is being mitigated.

Keep track of fatigue related data, and export to PDF or CSV from the app as required

Stay on top of all fatigue assessments and fatigue related documentation without any manual data entry.

Any fatigue assessment or safety form submitted into the fatigue management app can be displayed and queried in the database.

Perfect for finding important information, and a life-saver in the event of an audit

Track fatigue assessments in real-time to stay proactive

See analysis and trends from fatigue data to see how well fatigue is being managed and acknowledged, and if fatigue is growing within the workforce.

Any data captured in the app can be drilled into and analysed for insights.

Breakdown reports by team, location, worker, status to see changes in reports and overall fatigue.

More than 'just' a fatigue management app - if you want it to be

Fatigue management is only one element of worker safety.

Any company who needs a fatigue management app likely needs other safety processes in place too, and you can consolidate multiple safety processes in a single app using a proper safety system like Dashpivot.

Use Dashpivot to take care of just your fatigue management or consolidate your processes into a single easy to use app.

Try the fatigue management app and software for yourself for free