Dashpivot article – What main headings should a Construction Phase Plan contain

What main headings should a Construction Phase Plan contain

What main headings should a Construction Phase Plan contain?

In the construction industry, a well-structured Construction Phase Plan (CPP) is crucial for the seamless and safe execution of projects.

The CPP acts as a comprehensive guide, outlining critical aspects of project management, safety protocols, and operational procedures.

Understanding what main headings a Construction Phase Plan should contain is essential for project managers, contractors, and stakeholders to ensure all aspects of construction are covered comprehensively.

This article will walk through the what the main headings a Construction Phase Plan should contain to be effective.

If you want to read about what else your Construction Phase Plan needs, read here.

What main headings should a Construction Phase Plan contain?

Introduction and Project Overview

The CPP begins with an introduction and a detailed overview of the project. This section sets the stage, providing essential information such as the project's scope, location, and timeline. It helps all parties involved to gain a clear understanding of the project's scale and objectives.

Roles, Responsibilities, and Contact Information

A crucial section of the CPP is dedicated to defining the roles and responsibilities of the project team, including the project manager, contractors, and other key personnel. It should also include emergency contact information, creating a clear chain of command and ensuring efficient communication channels.

Health and Safety Management

This segment is the cornerstone of the Construction Phase Plan, focusing on the health and safety policies to be implemented. It encompasses risk assessment strategies, details of safety training, and induction processes for workers, ensuring that the project adheres to the highest safety standards.

Site Rules and Working Procedures

Operational aspects of the construction site are detailed under this heading. It includes working hours, site access protocols, site security, and safety guidelines, such as the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

Risk Assessment and Control Measures

One of the most critical aspects of the CPP is identifying potential hazards associated with the construction activities and outlining measures to mitigate and control these risks. This proactive approach to risk management is vital for maintaining a safe working environment.

Construction Phase Activities

This section breaks down the specific activities and phases of construction. It includes the scheduling and sequencing of work, ensuring that the project stays on track and is well-coordinated.

Resource Management

Efficient allocation and management of resources, including labour, materials, and equipment, are covered here. This section also addresses supply chain management, ensuring that resources are used effectively and efficiently.

Environmental Management

Incorporating environmental considerations, this part of the Construction Phase Plan outlines measures for environmental protection and waste management strategies. It's essential for ensuring the project's compliance with environmental standards and regulations.

Quality Control

The CPP must detail the quality assurance procedures and compliance with industry standards and regulations. This section ensures that all construction activities meet the required quality benchmarks.

Emergency Procedures

A vital component of the Construction Phase Plan is the emergency response plan, which includes procedures for handling accidents and incidents. This ensures preparedness for any unforeseen events and minimises potential risks and damages.

Monitoring, Review, and Update Procedures

This heading covers the mechanisms for performance monitoring, reporting, and regular reviews. It also details how the CPP will be updated in response to changes in the project or external environment.

What's next after getting your main headings for your Construction Phase Plan?

After determining the headings for your Construction Phase Plan, the next step involves developing and detailing the content under each heading. This process is crucial as it transforms your CPP from a basic outline into a comprehensive, actionable plan.

Gather and Compile Information

The first step is to collect the data - gather all necessary information, including project specifics, site details, team member roles, and any preliminary risk assessments.

Engage with all relevant stakeholders, including contractors, architects, and health and safety advisors, to ensure that their insights and requirements are incorporated.

Develop Each Section

  • Project Overview: Describe the project in detail, including objectives, timelines, and scope.
  • Roles and Responsibilities: Assign clear roles and responsibilities to project team members.
  • Risk Management: Conduct thorough risk assessments and develop strategies for managing identified risks.
  • Operational Procedures: Outline the daily operational procedures, including work schedules, site rules, and safety protocols.

Integrate Health and Safety Measures

  • Safety Policies: Detail the health and safety policies specific to the project.
  • Emergency Procedures: Establish comprehensive emergency response plans.
  • Training Requirements: Identify necessary safety training for workers.

Plan Resource Management

Document resource allocation by detailing how resources like labor, materials, and equipment will be allocated and managed.

For Supply Chain Management, add information on how you've developed strategies for managing the supply chain effectively.

Environmental and Quality Control

Outline what measures you're taking to minimise environmental impact, including work done, environmentally friendly designs, materials used and equipment.

Set quality standards and procedures for Quality Assurance inspections and testing.

Establish Communication Protocols

Internal Communication - set up effective communication channels within the project team.

External Communication - plan for stakeholder engagement and public relations.

Set Up Monitoring and Review Processes

Implement systems for monitoring performance tracking and project progress.

Schedule periodic reviews of the CPP to make necessary adjustments when new information comes in or the project proceeds to the next phase of construction, with its own risks, scope of work, organisation, etc.

Documentation and Record Keeping

Establish a system for maintaining detailed records of all aspects of the project. Where will they be stored, whether virtually, physically or both, and who has access to both/either mediums.

Ensure all necessary permits and compliance documents are in place and accessible in case of an audit.

Finalise and Approve the Plan

Conduct a final review of the CPP to ensure it is complete and accurate. This may or may not require internal sign off approval for full compliance.

Obtain approval from relevant authorities or stakeholders as per your regional requirements.

Implement and Communicate the Plan

Share the CPP with all relevant parties involved in the project. Ensure they have access to it when they need it so they can work safely and compliantly.

Begin executing the plan, ensuring all parties are aware of their roles and responsibilities.

Ongoing Updates and Revisions

Regularly update the CPP to reflect any changes in the project scope, regulations, or other relevant factors. Ensure anyone that needs to update the document has access to it and is able to edit it, as well as communicate to everyone that needs to know that the Construction Phase Plan has been updated, especially if responsibilities have changed.

See how you can include what main headings should a Construction Phase Plan contain in a practical example below.

Construction Phase Plan example

Use the main headings from a Construction Phase Plan in this digital Construction Phase Plan template

Create a digital Construction Phase Plan with all of your main headings built in

Use the main CPP headings mentioned here in this pre-built Construction Phase Plan template so you and your team can fill out detailed, well-documented CPPs that cover all of the main headings.

Customise the construction phase plan document with the drag and drop form builder with any extra sections or headings you want your team to be capturing in the CPP process so it's completed properly.

Attach other documents directly to your CPPs for quick and easy referenceability, such as subcontractor Method Statements.

Use tables to make it easy to disseminate large sections of information that are easy for your team to absorb when reviewing their responsibilities.

Digital Construction Phase Plan processes make it easy for your team to stay safe and compliant

There is more the Construction Phase Plans than just capturing the main headings and all of the information, then filing it away.

Construction Phase Plans are a living document, that your team needs to be referencing, continuously knowing what's on it, what references them, what their responsibilities are, then being aware are soon as it's been updated and how the update effects them.

This digital construction phase plan app can help your team stay up to date with the latest CPP version.

Share your CPP to your team as soon as it's created and every time it's updated so they're always working off of the latest version.

Use lists to keep track of subcontractors, insurance documents and expiry dates, and more with automatic notifications when things like a contractors insurance is getting close to expiring or is now overdue.

Breeze through compliance audits by sharing your CPPs as professionally formatted PDFs or CSVs.

Near Miss Reporting template

Near Miss Reporting template

Keep site safer by making your near miss reporting procedure safe and streamlined.

Daily diary template

Site diary template

Complete and organise your daily diaries more efficiently.

Risk Register template

Risk Register template

A general risk register template you can use for documenting any type of project risk.

Sitemate builds best in class tools for built world companies.

About Nick Chernih

Nick is the Senior Marketing Manager at Sitemate. He wants more people in the Built World to see the potential of doing things a different way - just because things are done one way doesn't mean it's the best way for you.

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