The integrated construction project database

Connect your databases and 'lists' to the daily work of your projects and teams to ensure your data is standardised, accurate and useful - and that your databases stay up-to-date.


Used on construction projects of all sizes.

Sitemate review
Sitemate clients

Managing and updating your construction project databases across fragmented systems, softwares and documents is messy and time-consuming.

Managing your company and project databases using hundreds of different documents, folder structures, servers and fragmented softwares means that it's impossible to have everyone working off the same latest databases - and that the information teams and workers are using is outdated, misleading or just wrong.

Keeping all of these databases updated and reconciled also costs you a lot of time, money and effort.

Construction project management software

Managing your construction databases with a single integrated piece of software means that your databases or 'lists' are easy to manage and connected to how work gets done.

Dashpivot digital IMS
Construction software

Dashpivot has been excellent. We have been able to digitise our HSEQ and commercial processes and engage with our clients and partners on the platform. It has improved the efficiency of our project delivery and allows our engineers to get back to doing what they should be doing: engineering.

Brian Mahon
Chief Operating Officer | Source: Capterra

Ward civil

How does this construction project database software work for you?

Create new or import your current databases into the platform.

Dashpivot's lists look just like your excel or spreadsheet lists. Each list item has a name or category and associated properties e.g a piece of equipment or plant and its price.

You can create new databases from scratch by entering data and details into the 'lists' section, or you can easily upload your current CSV files into the software - turning your database into an easily editable and entirely digital format.

You can create as many lists or databases as you want, including plant, equipment, labour, planned productions, waste and more.

Planned vs actual construction
Sitemate documents

Store your documents and forms in this same database or 'integrated management system'.

Create a single consolidated database for your templates and forms to keep your data standardised.

These forms and documents are entirely digital and live in the cloud, meaning they can be deployed to any project or teams where they are instantly and always accessible.

Complete forms accurately using the information from your databases.

Make forms quick and easy to fill out while ensuring your engineers, foremen and project managers are using the right piece of equipment or plant, entering in the right cost code or entering in the right labour cost by enabling them to select from dropdowns which automatically pull data straight from your databases.

The forms and documents contain smart logic which ensures people are making the right decisions and that everything being captured is standardised and accurate.

Site diary software
Planned vs actual graph

Get new insights about planned vs. actuals, costs and other project progress.

The lists and information you put in your databases can be compared to the data being captured in the field e.g set baseline planned productions in your databases and compare actual productions.

Thanks to the connectedness of your databases and forms, all of the information being captured about subcontractors, plant, labour etc. can be displayed in visual charts and dashboards in real-time.

Now you can see what's really happening and make informed decisions.

Store all of your construction project records in the same place.

Dashpivot stores all of your lists, forms and photos and videos in the same platform database in its own organised section.

Unlike storing photos on a hard drive or server, photos can be quickly filtered, downloaded or printed in a branded PDF format.

Unlike folders and servers, photos come 'attached' to forms and and have additional context including tags, comments and geolocation.

Environmental project management software
PDF markup

Edit and update anything in your databases in real-time.

You can edit, change and update any list, photo, template or PDF attachment in your database in real-time.

Work with and collaborate with other team members on the same latest version of all of these database items in a database which is always the single source of truth.

And when you need that physical copy of a list or record out of the cloud-based databases?

Simply download, print or share anything from your construction project database in a professionally formatted CSV or PDF document with your company logo and company colours.

Site form PDF generator

Try this construction project database software for free.

When inside of the platform, format any data or information in a number of ways to eliminate manual data entry and double-handling.

Real-time project management register
Project management workflow
Project management register

Maintained organised databases which are architected the same way as your company - into projects and teams.

Project and team management software

Have more control over who has access to what.

Have different layers of database and information for different projects and teams.

Deploy different forms referencing different sets of cost codes to different teams to ensure everyone is working off the right stuff. Make changes at the organisational level and have those changes reflected across your databases, projects and teams.

Maintain an audit proof database without doing any extra work or admin.

Dashpivot takes care of your databases for you by attaching critical information and metadata to every piece of information.

Forms and documents feature audit trails so how everyone is getting their work done remains compliant.

Project audit

The construction project database which was built for your company.

Dashpivot works very well. It simply does what it promises.

George Y.
Site Engineer | Source: Capterra

Seymour Whyte
Construction worker

See why companies in 70+ countries use this software to manage their project databases.