Job Hazard Analysis App
Streamline your Job Hazard Analysis processes to improve safety and for bulletproof compliance.
Start with a free 30-day trial. No credit card required.
Available on Web, iOS and Android.
Trusted by over 250,000 people from built-world companies of all sizes
~200 employees
~20 employees
~25,000 employees
~40 employees
~10,000 employees
~500 employees
~35,000 employees
~400 employees
~80 employees
~1,500 employees
~12,000 employees
~20 employees
~500 employees
~5,000 employees
~600 employees
~5,000 employees
Standardise your JHAs and build digital processes with this Job Hazard Analysis app
The quick, easy and powerful job hazard analysis app
Digital JHAs
Offline mode
Location tagging
One-click send
Required fields
Kanban workflows
Tables & dropdowns
Photo and video
Conditional logic
Contactless sign
PDF & photo markup
Photo stamping
Automated formulas
Draft and autosave
iOS and Android
Create your digital Job Hazard Analysis
Make it easy for your team to complete detailed Job Hazard Analysis by creating a standardised template then sharing it to your team.
Use the free template and customise it to the work being done, or create a new JHA from scratch with the drag and drop form builder.
Access your Job Hazard Analysis on site via the app on mobile or tablet
It's critical your team on site has access to the most up-to-date JHA so they're working safely on all potential hazards and risks that have been identified.
Your JHA is a live document, so when your team is accessing it on-site via the mobile app, they're getting the most recent version.
Ensure JHAs are reviewed and signed off on with automated workflows
Job Hazard Analysis are a vital part of your compliance requirements.
Automated workflows send notifications for sign off review once a JHA has been submitted, and can't be closed off until it has received sign off.
Use tables to quickly organise data
Your Job Hazard Analysis will need tables of work to be done with the risks and hazards associated, as well as risk matrices.
Dropdowns with pre-filled information and risk statuses make it easy for your team to fill out JHAs on their phone or tablet, and you can use formulas to calculate risk models based off of information in the table.
Use photos and videos to highlight potential risks and hazards
Pictures tell a thousand words, and photos and videos can help provide a lot more context to your Job Hazard Analysis.
Take photos from within the app, add photo markup, geotagging, timestamps and more to ensure your JHAs are well-documented.
Quickly and easily share Job Hazard Analysis
Share your JHAs from the app on desktop, mobile or tablet in a single click.
All exports are professionally formatted CSV or PDF with brand colours and logo, can be used by your team in the field or for auditors and external parties.
Completely eliminate double-handling of your job hazard analysis
Toggle between formats in one-click to automatically convert your JHAs between timeline and register formats
Timeline view
See a chronological view of JHAs submitted, grouped by date submitted with a tag to help with organisation.
Register view
See a more detailed view of your JHAs in a spreadsheet view, with visibility on fields submitted for a quick overview.
More than just a job hazard analysis app
Job Hazard Analysis are a very important safety and compliance document, but they don't live independently.
Integrate your safety processes together with Dashpivot, such as safety inspections, planning and audit documents.
Use Dashpivot as just a job hazard analysis app, or streamline your entire safety processes.