Construction Log Book:
Use this log book sample and template

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Construction log book sample

~200 employees

~20 employees

~25,000 employees

~40 employees

~10,000 employees

~1,500 employees

~35,000 employees

See how you can use this construction log book sample as your own log book template below

Use and customise this construction log book sample for free.

This construction log book sample was created in Dashpivot, which can serve as your reliable log book template:

  • Manage your construction log book online where all of your records are secure, accessible and searchable.
  • Complete log book records directly on site with a mobile or tablet, or on your computer.
  • Print, share or download your log book records as perfectly formatted PSD or CSV documents.
  • Customise the log book template with simple drag-and-drop functionality.
  • Convert all of your log book entries into a register to save time and manual data entry.

Dashpivot is user friendly software trusted by built world companies of every size all over the world.

Standardise your construction log book templates for better run projects and powerful automation

Create your digital construction log book template

Ensure your log books are filled out properly every time by standardising your form.

Use the free pre-built construction log book template and customise to your needs with the drag and drop form builder.

See a chronological list of your log book entries

Get a quick overview of what's been logged in the Timeline View.

See submitted log book entries grouped by date with an identifying tag such as project, team or location for quick referenceability.

Convert all of your log book data into a register in a single click

If you need more information on your log book entries, use the Register View to get a spreadsheet-like view of your log book data and fields.

Filter, sort or search by fields in your log books to find the documents you need.

Create automated workflows around log book processes


Workflows allow you to create automated processes for your log books.

Get automatic notifications when a log book is created, submitted or signed off on so no part of your processes are ever missed.

Standardise your construction log book templates for better run projects and powerful automation

Other popular templates you can use and customise for free

Construction Variation Form template

Construction Variation Form template

Manage those inevitable construction variations more reliably for all parties involved in variations.

Subcontractor Evaluation Checklist template

Subcontractor Evaluation Checklist template

Record and share subcontractor performance for the benefit of all with this reliable checklist.

Meeting minutes template

Meeting minutes template

Capture, record and organise those meeting minutes.

Manage your construction log books with a dedicated, digital solution

There's more to construction log books than just getting the right format and fields.

A dedicated tool for log books make it easy to keep track of what's been done and what's happening in the field.

Your team can access the log book on site and complete new log book entries straight from their phone that gets synced back to the office immediately as they're submitted.

Streamline your entire commercial and contract workflow

Dashpivot is more than just construction log book templates.

Site diaries, notices to proceed, change orders, daily logs, delay notices and more, all have pre-built forms ready for your team to use right now.

Sitemate builds best-in-class software tools for built world companies.