Free Construction Phase Plan template (better than Word & Excel)

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Construction Phase Plan template

Preview how this construction phase plan template works for your team

Use and customise this better Construction Phase Plan template (CPP template) for free

This Construction Phase Plan template is powered by Dashpivot.

  • The digital Construction Phase Plan checklist comes pre-built with fields and tables to capture your project details, plan, working instructions and organisation processes.
  • Customise the document with any extra fields and sections you need with the drag and drop form builder.
  • Attach any other forms you need directly to your Construction Phase Plans.
  • Easily share and provide ongoing access of your Construction Phase Plans (CPPs) to your team and subcontractors as professionally formatted PDF or CSV, better than excel and word.

Dashpivot is user friendly software trusted by built world companies of every size all over the world.

~200 employees

~20 employees

~25,000 employees

~40 employees

~10,000 employees

~1,500 employees

~35,000 employees

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See how other projects are managing their construction phase plans digitally

Integrate your Construction Phase Plans with the rest of your safety processes

Construction Phase Plans are a document that doesn't live in isolation, but lives with other documents such as Risk Registers, Method Statements, Risk Assessments and more.

Integrate all of these together in this safety management platform to save time, reduce errors and give better visibility to the team about what's going on with with project safety.

Sitemate builds best-in-class software tools for built world companies.