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Hold Point Inspection Template and Construction Hold Point Test Plan

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Building construction quotation sample PDF

~200 employees

~20 employees

~25,000 employees

~40 employees

~10,000 employees

~1,500 employees

~35,000 employees

Compare this Hold Point Inspection to typical construction hold point Word docs, excel sheet and PDFs

Use this construction hold point inspection template for free.

This hold point inspection format was generated with Dashpivot

Hold Points in construction can be one of the more manual processes, as they involve multiple parties. To avoid critical delays during hold points, use a digital hold point form to automate parts of the hold point process:

  • Access and conduct hold point inspections from any device - mobile, tablet or computer.
  • Create and manage automated hold point workflows to reduce back and forth between parties.
  • Store your hold point records in the cloud, for easy access at any time.
  • Invite internal and external parties to see, edit and sign off on hold points online via workflows.
  • Add critical proof to your hold points including PDFs and drawing attachments.

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The critical nature of the hold point in construction

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